Welcome to Lina

Lina is a minimal template system for Python, modelled after Google’s CTemplate library. It is designed to provide fast, safe template evaluation to generate code or other text documents.

enum DataTypes {
{{#types:list-separator=,NEWLINE}}  {{name}}={{value:hex}}{{/types}}

evaluated with:

formats = [{'name':'Vector3i', 'value': 0x301}, {'name':'Vector3f', 'value': 0x302}]

will produce:

enum DataTypes {
    Vector3i = 0x301,
    Vector3f = 0x302


The base class in Lina is lina.Template which must be initialized with the template contents. It can be then evaluated to a string using lina.Template.Render() and lina.Template.RenderSimple().

Lina has two main directives, values and blocks. A value is something which is replaced directly by the provided value, while a block is used to iterate over collections. Both blocks and values can be optionally formatted using a formatter, which allows for example to turn a string into uppercase inside the template.

Values are escaped using double curly braces:

Hello {{name}}!

Blocks have an additional prefix before the variable, # for the block start and / for the block end:

{{#users}}Hello {{name}}!{{/users}}

This requires to pass an array of named objects:

template.Render ({'users':[{'name':'Alice'}, {'name':'Bob'}]})

In some cases, accessing members by names is unnecessary complicated. Lina provides a special syntax to access the current element, using a single dot. Using a self-reference, the template above can be simplified to:

{{#users}}Hello {{.}}!{{/users}}

and rendered with:

template.Render ({'users': ['Alice', 'Bob']})

or even simpler using lina.Template.RenderSimple():

template.RenderSimple (users = ['Alice', 'Bob'])

Both self-references as well as values can also access fields of an object. Assuming the User class has fields name, age, the following template will print the user name and age:

{{#users}}Hello {{.name}}, you are {{.age}} years old!{{/users}}

For an object, use {{item.field}}. The field accessor syntax works for both fields as well as associative containers, that is, for Lina, the following two objects are equivalent:

u = {'name':'Alice'}


class User:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

u = User ('Alice')

It is also possible to directly reference indexed items using [0], [1], etc. For instance, the following template:

{{#vectors}}X: {{.[0]}}, Y: {{.[1]}}, Z: {{.[2]}}\n{{/vectors}}

rendered with:

template.RenderSimple (vectors = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])

will produce:

X: 0, Y: 1, Z: 2
X: 3, Y: 4, Z: 5

For blocks, Lina provides additional modifiers to check whether the current block execution is the first, an intermediate or the last one:


#First will be only expanded for the first iteration, #Separator will be expanded for every expansion which is neither first nor last and #Last will be expanded for the last iteration only. If there is only one element, it will considered both first and last item of the sequence.

Whitespace can be also part of a template. Use {{NEWLINE}} to get a new line character inserted into the stream, and {{SPACE}} to get a blank space.

If a block variable is not found, or the block is None, the block will be not expanded. It is possible to capture this case using ! blocks, which are only expanded if the variable is not present:

{{!users}}No users :({{/users}}

Rendered with template.Render (), this will yield No users :(. This can be used to emulate conditional statements.


Indices and tables